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Join the OpenSync Community


The OpenSync community comprises two partnership models: Sandbox and Certified. You can begin building with our user-friendly Sandbox model, and upgrade to expand your network with our Certified model.

Sandbox Partnership Model

Anyone can build using OpenSync Sandbox. Simply follow these steps to get started:

access card

Get Access

Verify device compatibility in Wiki.

sandbox card

Develop in Sandbox

Download OpenSync through Wiki.

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Start Building

Connect to the OpenSync Academy cloud and start testing, prototyping, and building your own applications. Coming soon!

Certified Partnership Model

Become a certified partner and expand your reach by leveraging the entire Plume ecosystem.

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Get Started

To become a certified partner, get in touch with us by emailing [email protected]

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Validate Device

After the certification agreement process, validate your device against OpenSync and run pre-certification tests.

check card

Get Device Certification

Get certified through one of our authorized vendor labs.

cloud card

You Are Certified!

Welcome to the Plume universe! Integrate with the Plume cloud, offer new products or services, and expand your reach by accessing Plume's existing user base.

How it works

Unleash your potential with OpenSync

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million homes

Become a part of an ecosystem deployed in millions of households.

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CSPs who have adopted OpenSync

Find your customer and accelerate your go to market with these Communication Services Providers.

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NPS increase

Upgrade your service score with OpenSync's fast an unobtrusive upgrade technology.

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petabytes of data in our data lake

Empower yourself with actionable data that matters to you.

Who is connected with OpenSync?

See in-depth the OpenSync ecosystem.

Stay up to date with OpenSync

Learn about new releases and get valuable insights from OpenSync.

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